Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blog #16

 For my larger research project I plan to focus on the same thing that I focused on in the short analysis project.  I still hope to prove that performance poems are more effective in making an impact on an audience than print poems are, but I plan to shift this so that it explains the opinions of the one poet I interviewed.  

The questions I plan to ask are:
1. How does this poet think her performance poetry impacts her audience?
2. How does my subject feel about performance poetry?
3. How does she engage her audience?
4. Why does performance poetry make such a big impact on audience?
5. What makes it easier for an audience to relate to performance poetry instead of print poems?

I might want to follow up with my interviewee to ask a few more questions, but I want to look deeper into the data I already have before I decide to do that.

My interviewee told me a lot of good stories.  Two of my favorites were about ways she engages the audience and explaining how she came up with her favorite poem.  I would love to use these in my research project, I’m just not sure how to utilize them yet.  I also need to do more analysis on the excerpts I’m using because for the short analysis project I feel like I didn't really analyze the quotes I just described how they related to my focus.

I still need to find articles or other research that will help support my claim.  

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