Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog #5

-people talking
-briana laughing
-people with notebooks
-similar classes

I was thinking how awkward it was when Dr. Chandler told everyone to stand up and no one moved. Once we started walking around I made small headnotes in reference to the jottings I wrote down. Briana was laughing when we introduced ourselves because it was awkward. People were talking about classes they remembered each other from. Some people were discussing common interests and sharing things they remembered about each other. 

I remember David bringing up the fact that this assignment mocked what happens at actual cocktail parties. I also remember Dr. Chandler attempting to move people around the room to promote more interaction. 

The class stood up and nobody moved. It was extremely awkward. Finally, people started moving around and talking to each other. Everyone was introducing themselves. I introduced myself to Briana,we both laughed out of awkwardness. Dr. Chandler had me move to a different group of people. People started discussing classes they've had together and places they remember each other from. Gigi remembered that I have a son and started asking questions about him. "What's his name?"  "Eric." "How old is he now?"  "6."  Someone overheard and asked me how old I am (as if there weren't any more original questions she could ask) "21," I responded, "yes, I was too young."  I turned and walked up to another group of people. Dr. Chandler introduced me to Ariana who thought my name was Sarah, I corrected her, "Amanda."  The class got quiet again and Dr. Chandler pointed out how awkward it was getting (as if we hadn't felt awkward the entire time).  Everyone returned to their seats. 

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