Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blog #19

Performance Poetry: Where it’s Been and Where it’s Going

      Performance poetry utilizing aspects of drama is a new idea in today’s world.  In fact, it is so new that finding previous studies on this topic was quite a task.  The previous studies I did find discussed performance poetry as the art of reading a poem aloud.  I reviewed one article in particular by Susan Chambers titled, “Reading Poetry Wrong: Prosody and Performance,” in which she supports this notion by focusing on how hearing a poem "performed" or read aloud is necessary to fully comprehending the beauty of it.  Today, however, performance poetry is taking it a few steps farther.  Through this study I plan to expand upon the previous research to show how one poet who practices performance poetry pushes the envelope and helps performance poetry evolve by making her performance pieces more of a theatrical production than a poetry reading.  

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